This plugin is used to flip the elements easily in four directions, top, bottom, left and right. You have to just a small code as in all the plugins and also you could add callbacks. HOW TO USE? Like every jquery plugin, just chain it: $("#flipbox").flip({ direction:'tb' }) HOW TO CHANGE CONTENT? Add content params in this way: $("#flipbox").flip({ direction:'tb', content:'this is my new content' }) HOW TO ADD CALLBACKS? There are three available callbacks: onBefore, onAnimation, onEnd $("#flipbox").flip({ direction:'tb', onBefore: function(){ console.log('before starting the animation'); }, onAnimation: function(){ console.log('in the middle of the animation'); }, onEnd: function(){ console.log('when the animation has already ended'); } }) HOW TO REVERT A FLIP? There's an "hidden" method called revertFlip: as it says, revert a f...