charanblog: New HTML5 Tags: HTML5 brings a host of new elements and attributes to allow developers to make their documents more easily understood by other systems (es...
Here we will show you how you can create a web-based desktop application using PHP, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript with the help of PHP Desktop. In fact, PHP Desktop is an easy and simple solution we can use to create very powerful and complex desktop application. What Is PHP Desktop? PHP Desktop is an open source project founded by Czarek Tomczak in 2012 to provide a way for developing native desktop GUI applications using web technologies such as PHP, HTML5, JavaScript and SQLite. Mind you, the development workflow you are used to while creating web applications remains the same. The step of turning an existing website into a desktop application is basically a matter of copy and paste. PHPDesktop is an all-made container that will just swallow your project. With that, you can easily transform an existing website into a desktop application without any modification. When you download PHP Desktop , you will have some set of files and folders; among them you will have a ...
Insert pandas dataframe into Mongodb Pandas is most commonly used open-source Python Library for data manipulation, it provides high-performance data manipulation and analysis using its powerful data structures. Here we use pandas library to insert dataframe into Mongodb. I am taking Yahoo finance library to get dataset for a ticker and save that data into Mongo. First, we import all the necessary libraries from pandas_datareader import data as pdr import pandas as pd from pymongo import MongoClient import yfinance as yf yf.pdr_override() We get data from yahoo finance # download dataframe data1 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("SPY", start="2017-01-01", end="2017-01-15") Now, we make a connection to Mongodb. Here I am connecting to local MongoDb Server on port 27018 and then creating a database with the name `finance`. MongoDB has a collection(table) and I name it as `mycollection`. #Step 1: Connec...
To add new rows to a table (or table section) you can use insertRow, but there isn't an equivalent insertColumn in the DOM table methods . So what you can do is iterate the rows in the table (or table section), and call insertCell for each row. Javascript: tableaddcolumn.js // 2006-08-21 - Created // 2006-11-05 - Modified - head and body function addColumn(tblId) { var tblHeadObj = document.getElementById(tblId).tHead; for (var h=0; h<tblHeadObj.rows.length; h++) { var newTH = document.createElement('th'); tblHeadObj.rows[h].appendChild(newTH); newTH.innerHTML = '[th] row:' + h + ', cell: ' + (tblHeadObj.rows[h].cells.length - 1) } var tblBodyObj = document.getElementById(tblId).tBodies[0]; for (var i=0; i<tblBodyObj.rows.length; i++) { var newCell = tblBodyObj.rows[i].insertCell(-1); newCell.innerHTML = '[td] row:' + i + ', cell: ' + (tblBodyObj.rows[i].cells.length - 1) } } function deleteColumn(tblId) { v...
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