Google 2 Factor Authentication using PHP

Google 2 Factor Authentication using PHP

In this tutorial, I have explained how to add Two factor authentication with Google Authenticator and PHP . You can check official Google-Authentication project here. Github

Follow the steps.

Step 1) Create a unique secret code of length 16 characters.

PHPGangsta provides wrapper class for Google Authenticator.

You can download using composer.

curl -sS | php

php composer.phar require phpgangsta/googleauthenticator:dev-master

Use the below code to generate the secret code.


$authenticator = new PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator();

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$secret = $authenticator->createSecret();

We need to prepare a QR code using the secret. If you want to read more about QR code generation for Google Authenticator. Github Wiki

 echo "Secret: ".$secret;


Step 2) Create a QR code withe the generated secret.

You can use any QR code generator to generate the QR code, For this demo I am using Google charts.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$authenticator = new PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator();

$secret = $authenticator->createSecret();

$qrCodeUrl = $authenticator->getQRCodeGoogleUrl($title, $secret,$website);

echo "Secret: ".$secret."\n";

//save this at server side

$website = ''; 

//Your Website

$title= 'Hayageek';

echo $qrCodeUrl;


Open the app and Click on ‘+’ Button, and scan the QR code generated using 

Google Charts. Authenticator app generates the TOTP for your website. TOTP 

will change for every 30 secs.

Open the app and Click on ‘+’ Button, and scan the QR code generated using Google Charts. Authenticator app generates the TOTP for your website. TOTP will change for every 30 secs.

Step 3) Generate TOTP (Time-Based One time password) using Google 

Authenticator App. Download the Google Authenticator app from Google Play 

or AppStore

Step 4) Verifying OTP at server side


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; 

 // If somebody provides OTP at 29th sec, by the time it reaches the server OTP is expired.

$authenticator = new PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator();

$secret = '3JMZE4ASZRIISJRI'; 

//This is used to generate QR code

$otp = '183036' ;

//Generated by Authenticator.

$tolerance = 0;

    //Every otp is valid for 30 sec.

echo 'FAILED';

    //So we can give tolerance =1, it will check current  & previous OTP. 

   // tolerance =2, verifies current and last two OTPS

$checkResult = $authenticator->verifyCode($secret, $otp, $tolerance);


if ($checkResult) {   

 echo 'OTP is Validated Succesfully'; 

    } else {}


Download source code Here..
Download Url:

Labels: Google 2 Factor Authentication, 2 factor authentication in php, 2FA in php


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